What is ‘Accidental Renaissance’?

What is ‘Accidental Renaissance’?  Well, you’ve probably seen these pictures popping up on your feed at some point.

It’s a phenomenon in which pictures taken by civilians without a second thought, and by the chance of faith, the elements aligned to create a picture of perfect balance of light, movement, and perspective in the picture, transcending a universal commentary on humanity.

On Neomedievalism and its Aesthetics

Although medieval aesthetics have been present in the media for years, this last decade has been witnessing its revamping. Artists like Caroline Polachek or ARCA have been championing certain elements of this aesthetic for some time, and fashion powerhouses like Balenciaga gave us a more literal interpretation of it in the digital presentation of their fall 2021 collection.

Anna Uddenberg’s “Continental breakfast”

A literal title, Anna Uddenberg’s “Continental Breakfast” is a subversive exploration of our consented submission to the virtual world.

A postmodernist artist, Anna Uddenberg’s body of work constantly follows the idea of simulacrum; how reality is dictated by a saturated media which controls our wishes, beliefs, and bodies and the power structures which surround them.