A captivating portrait study spotlighting the emerging talents shaping Toronto’s creative landscape, both on and off the set. This series explores the dynamic interplay between models and the behind-the-scenes production crews, capturing the essence of individuality and collaboration. By shedding light on the diverse faces driving the city’s artistic pulse, it celebrates Toronto’s vibrant creative community and the stories that unfold both in front of and beyond the camera lens.

Producer: Chinelo (@chineloyasin)
Photographer: Buggz (@bbuggzz) & Chinelo (@chineloyasin)
Creative Director: Buggz (@bbuggzz)
Set Assistant: Mark (@_markemery)
Lead Stylist: Sweets (@lil.sweeets3)
Stylist #2: DriewGarments (@DriewGarments)
MUA #1: NightStar (@nightstar.thecurator)
MUA #2: Āveen (@aavveeeenn)
HairStylist #1: LJ (@ellejaii)
Hairstylist #2: Daisy (@heartdecals)
HairStylist #3: Kyler (@kylersmee)
Casting: Chinelo, Buggz & Sweets
Jewellery: (@vitaly)
Nails: Reese (@sxmonte)
Models: Ebony (@ehollor), Nathan(@nathanshanab), Aissatou (@aissatou_04), Kait (@barbi333z), Seye (@shesoseye), Halle (@hallehirota), Danny (@wavegodszn), Alex (@alexmakubuya), Jenny (@fairiesrepose), Danilo (@blagocreative), Abby (@baesic_abby), Emily (@emiiprii), Linnea (@wretch3doll)
Cody is the Editor in Chief and senior contributor at liminul.
He is a photography aficionado, fashion enthusiast, avid Lana Del Rey fan, and lover of all things aesthetically pleasing.