Defence Mechanism

The body as battleground. The body as armour. The body as weapon. Defence Mechanism, our February Digital Cover, lensed by Toronto-based photographer Lucy Mahoney and featuring model Claire Steven dismantles the boundaries between self-preservation and self-destruction.

Another World by Shae Detar

The first book by photographer Shae Detar, titled Another World, depicts a perfect world inhabited entirely by women. The pages of the book are vividly saturated with color, showing the subjects of the artist roaming through vast, natural landscapes in complete nudity.

Dior Beauty’s Most Exciting Young Photographers

Dior has been holding its Photography and Visual Arts Awards for Young Talents for the last five years. In partnership with LUMA Arles and ENSP, the project seeks to identify the most exciting emerging image-makers around the world, many of whom are hand-picked from the finest international art schools.